Mindfulness-Focused Ethics Training to Combat Lawyer Burnout
Mindfulness is a simple, yet proven strategy that can help lawyers meet their professional ethical obligations and simultaneously protect their health and well-being. Our trainings and Continuing Legal Education courses emphasize these powerful evidence-based techniques to promote ethical decision-making and healthy coping skills to manage stress and prevent burnout. Contact us today to discuss your organizational needs and schedule a customized program.

How Mindfulness Can Help You Avoid Legal Burnout, Continue to Competently Perform Legal Services, and Remain Ethically Compliant
As attorneys, chronic stress is often a part of our job. If we do not effectively manage chronic stress, however, it has the potential to cripple our productivity levels. Chronic stress can also make it physically, mentally, and emotionally impossible to advocate for our clients and communicate with them effectively and competently. Further, we run the risk of violating the rules of professional conduct, such as Rules 1.1, 1.3, and 1.4, which we will discuss during this webinar.
Instituting even one or two minutes of meditation and mindfulness into our daily routines can have immediate and far-reaching benefits in our professional and personal lives. Become your best self now. Join us as we demystify meditation and focus on the basics of mindfulness: what it is and is not, how to do it, and how to maximize its benefits.
We will delve into specific methods of integrating mindfulness into your day-to-day law practice. According to Professor Peter H. Huang of University of Colorado Law School, “Law students, lawyers, and law professors should try practicing mindfulness to see if they improve their legal decision-making, ethics and leadership.”
You will be empowered to:
• Protect yourself from burnout
• Improve focus and boost your overall productivity and efficiency
• Curb anxiety and stress through quick, effective “spot treatments”
• Use mindfulness to enhance ethical and reflective decision-making as opposed to acting rashly and later feeling regret for poorly chosen words and actions
You will learn how mindfulness can improve civility in the profession:
• What is mindfulness?
• Scientific basis
• Discussion of professionalism and civility guidelines and principles
• How integrating mindfulness into the legal setting can improve civility in the profession.
You will learn how mindfulness helps you stay ethically compliant:
• Mindfulness as a means to improve productivity, focus, and concentration in order to represent a client competently, diligently, and communicate with them promptly.
• Discussion of MRPC 1.1 and 1.3 (Diligence), ethical opinions, and caselaw
• Elements of Mindful Communication will teach you how to better understand your client’s objectives and keep your client reasonably informed so they can make informed decisions.
• Discussion of MRPC 1.4 (Communications), ethical opinions, and caselaw
• When we are faced with the daily pressures of a law practice, our decision-making may become clouded. This can lead to ethical disaster, as well as to self-destructive behavior such as substance abuse.
• This segment focuses on how a mindfulness practice can alleviate stress and anxiety so you can prevent legal burnout and remain ethically compliant.

ABA GPSolo eReport
Attorneys Becky Howlett and Cynthia Sharp's monthly column in the American Bar Association's GPSolo eReport focuses on all aspects of attorney wellness and the real-life challenges of practicing law, including substance use, mental health, civility, and implicit bias.
We believe that generating open and honest conversations, including sharing our own personal struggles with mental health and addiction, will encourage others to seek needed help, as well as promote cultural change within our profession.
Getting Serious About Attorney Burnout
We are committed to tackling head-on the pervasive, yet often normalized toxic trends in the legal profession, including epidemic levels of substance use and mental health concerns. We believe that by generating open and honest conversations, including sharing our own personal struggles, we will encourage others to seek needed help, as well as promote cultural change within our profession.
How to Make Time for Yourself
When we talk with attorneys about self-care, the constant refrain we hear is, “I just don’t have time.” But this isn’t “just the way it is”—we have a decision to make. By actively reframing our mindset about what we choose to spend our time on, we can realize significant positive benefits for our legal practice and overall well-being.
Answering Legal Presents: A Guide To Lawyer Wellness
The Legal Burnout Solution brand is meant to represent the eternal flame or divine spark within each of us. The flame on our logo speaks to the journey of extinguishing burnout by neutralizing emotional reactivity and actively cultivating our ability to live mindfully.
Strategies to Prevent Burnout and Prioritize Your Well-Being
Many attorneys develop a bad habit of putting everyone else's needs before our own, which puts us at risk of burnout, as well as mental and physical illness. Protect yourself from lawyer burnout today. Learn simple tips to restore and preserve your well-being in your law practice and in life.